Stress Echocardiography

Course Details


  • Dr. U P Singh, MD DM, Consul. Cardiologist

Location Type

Onsite, Chandigarh
Includes Theory + Observership


3 and 5 Days



Course Overview

This specialized course delves into the advanced diagnostic technique of stress echocardiography. Designed for experienced cardiologists (MDs) seeking to refine their skills, the program equips participants with the knowledge and expertise to effectively utilize stress echo in the evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD) and other cardiac conditions.


  • Introduction to Stress Echocardiography
    • Overview of stress echo and its role in cardiovascular assessment
    • Historical development and increasing use of stress echo compared to other modalities
    • Advantages and limitations of stress echocardiography
  • Indications and Contraindications
    • Primary Indications: Diagnosis of ischemic heart disease (CAD), assessment of myocardial viability, evaluation of cardiac function post-MI
    • Contraindications: Recent myocardial infarction (MI), severe aortic stenosis, uncontrolled arrhythmias, uncontrolled hypertension, and other relevant conditions
  • Types of Stress Tests
    • Exercise Stress Echo: Protocols, patient considerations, and safety measures
    • Pharmacologic Stress Echo: Common agents like dobutamine and adenosine, their mechanisms, and proper administration protocols
  • Pre-Test Preparation
    • Patient preparation: Fasting instructions, medication adjustments, obtaining informed consent
    • Baseline assessment: Detailed medical history, physical examination, resting ECG, and baseline echocardiogram
  • Testing Protocols
    • Step-by-step procedures for conducting both exercise and pharmacologic stress tests
    • Specific protocols for different stress agents and exercise equipment (treadmill, bicycle)
  • Image Acquisition and Interpretation
    • Techniques for acquiring high-quality echocardiographic images during stress
    • Advanced wall motion analysis and interpretation of stress echo results
    • Identifying ischemic responses and assessing myocardial viability
  • Monitoring and Safety
    • Continuous monitoring of ECG, blood pressure, and symptoms throughout the test
    • Emergency protocols and management of potential adverse events


  • MD Physicians and Cardiologist with minimum 1 year experience.
  • Once applied, selection committee would inform you regarding your registration.

Duration and Fees

  • Time: 3 and 5 Days
  • Course Fees:
    • 5 Day Course: Rs 38,000 (Rs 50,000)
    • 3 Day Course: Rs 20,000 (Rs 25,000)

Please note: Prices exclude 18% GST.

The above courses includes Theory + Observership (no hands on)


After completion you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance by the Prime Academic Society.

Course Features

  • Certificate Yes
  • Language English
  • Assessment Yes

Course Price

5 Day Course: Rs 38,000 (Rs 50,000)
3 Day Course: Rs 20,000 (Rs 25,000)

Please note: Prices exclude 18% GST.

Course Registration Form

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